Welcome to WebbBlogs, a blog about a variety of subjects but mainly mental health. I am a long time mental health sufferer, and a recovering addict.

Here at WebbBlogs, you will find my personal stories of the struggles I have been through and continue to go through. You will also find some positive experiences, helpful resources, some talk about family life, and since I feel we all should have some laughter in our life I added some silliness along the way.

I am trying to not live in fear anymore. With OCD, panic attacks and anxiety, living a life with less fear has been challenging. But, it’s time for me to get out of my comfort zone, share my life’s moments, no matter how embarrassing some may be. It’s time for me to make a change. After all, nothing changes, if nothing changes.

Please push the “follow” button to make sure you don’t miss out on new posts. Speaking of posts, also click on the “menu” button on the top right of this page to read what I have been posting. Also, if you need to contact me, you can do so at Webbblogs@yahoo.com

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental illness, please Reach Out, Speak Up, And Ask For Help. Nobody should go through it alone.


7 thoughts on “WEBB BLOGS

    • Thank you, yes feel free to share my story. Sharing helps spread awareness and helps to open up the discussion of mental illness. Any questions please message me and I will be happy to answer them 😊


  1. The first step to recovery is said to be admitting that there is a problem. I am sure that as you share with others and network with others, you are doing yourself a big favor as far as recovery is concerned. Keep up the good work.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi I would very much like further contact with you but not sure how to do this. Let me know if you would also like to chat further. Eg Facebook, whattsapp or Skype.. Not sure how to send a personal message to you. x

    Liked by 1 person

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