13 Years Clean!

Hello everyone, hope you had an amazing week. I haven’t done anything to exciting but I do have some wonderful news to share with you. I am now another year clean! Bringing the total to 13 years!


I am super proud of myself and wanted to share this fantastic news with everyone.

The last few months I have been working on my mental health. There have been days that I make a lot of progress but there are also days that I feel like I’m getting nowhere. Days that I feel like a failure.

Because of this, I started getting depressed. I was upset and I was disappointed in myself.


But then I got reminded of the progress I have made in other areas of my life. Things I HAVE accomplished, like my 13 years clean.

Sometimes our past victories and successes get overlooked as the days and years pass by. We set new goals, higher standards, oftentimes leaving us forgetful of the things we have already achieved.

We need to remember our past achievements. It is incredibly important. It will help in times when we are feeling down or Stuck in a funk or on days when we feel like things are taking longer to accomplish than we had hoped. That was how I was feeling until my awesome 13 year milestone.

We need to think of the positive, think of the things around us that we are grateful for. Let that be the encouragement and motivation we need to continue trying. One step at a time, one day at a time. We can do it.

Have a wonderful weekend.

If you or someone you know is struggling, please Reach out, Speak up, and ask for help. Nobody should go through it alone.


Have a wonderful weekend.

37 thoughts on “13 Years Clean!

  1. That’s awesome! Every year is a celebration and just as important as the year before, congrats! I’m not there yet, but I’m so excited for the day when I have earned to right to make a post like this.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: The week gone by — Oct. 10 – A Silly Place

  3. Hey, I like how you found a silver lining! And yes, indeed, mental health issues need to be discussed more so that more people can get educated about it and also seek help if needed. Thanks for sharing your journey! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Congratulations, Christina! Nice to meet you on a landmark day. I’ve quit drinking for at least a year, maybe more like 2. 13 years, though, that’s amazing! Wishing you the very best. Take care!

    Liked by 1 person

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